Welcome to Robin's Home Page
- Google Gadgets
Thelemic software components you can embed in your customized home page.
- Shareware
and Freeware
Freeware and Shareware programs including Thelemic calendar programs,
magical hours, and Gematria software and more...
- Web
Interactive Gematria database, including Hebrew, Greek, Enochian
and English systems.
- Local
Thelemic Date
Use your Zip code to automatically look up your longitude and Latitude,
your local Thelemic date is calculated. Free form date input makes this
the simplest Thelemic Date routine ever created.
- The
Book of the Law
Including links to the scans of the handwritten manuscript and the Stele
of Revealing.}
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Things I'm interested in
Chi Ch'uan
Kundalini Yoga
Laughter Lodge O.T.O.
Braden Lodge #168 Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons
More Light!
More Love! More Freedom!
More Joy!

Copyright Mysticalinternet.com
Q. Are you that guy robin@winternet.com?
A. That email address is now defunct but yes, that's me.
What's New
- Ajax version of Web Gematria. Not a huge improvement but a step foward. Please report any problems.
- New Version of MagiCalc! Improved Thelemic date software for Windows. Easy Zip look up and super fast.
- Google Gadgets!
Add Thelemic Date, Book of the Law, and Liber 65 to your Google
home page.
- New Web Thelemic Date page. Look up your specific
Locale by Zip code. Free form date input.
- Hebrew Web Gematria system
improved. Now includes Unicode Hebrew instead of old font based system.
- Hebrew HTML Code generators. Great for inserting Hebrew
into Blogs and Wikis.
Do what thou wilt
shall be the whole of the Law.